  1. Clairvoyant Readings
  2. How Clairvoyant Readings Work
  3. Using Clairvoyance to Connect With Spirit Guides

Exploring Clairvoyance: Connecting With Spirit Guides

Learn how to use clairvoyance to connect with spirit guides and gain insight into yourself and the world around you.

Exploring Clairvoyance: Connecting With Spirit Guides

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to connect with spirit guides? To be able to explore the unknown and find answers to questions that have eluded us for so long? Well, with the help of clairvoyance, this is now possible. Clairvoyance is an ancient form of divination that has been used for thousands of years to gain insight into the spiritual realm. In this article, we will explore how clairvoyance can be used to connect with spirit guides and what benefits this connection can provide. The first step in using clairvoyance to connect with spirit guides is understanding what they are.

Spirit guides

are non-physical entities that exist in a higher frequency than humans.

They are often referred to as “angels” or “ascended masters” and are believed to be here to help us on our journey through life. They can offer wisdom, guidance, and protection, as well as provide clarity on difficult situations. Once you understand who spirit guides are, the next step is learning how to connect with them. This can be done through various methods, including meditation, prayer, visualization, and dreamwork.

The most important thing is to have an open mind and an open heart when connecting with them. It is also important to be clear about what you want from the experience. Be specific about what you want guidance on and open yourself up to receive it. Once you’ve connected with your spirit guides, you can start using clairvoyance to gain insight.


is the ability to perceive things that are beyond the physical realm.

This includes seeing images, hearing voices, or feeling sensations that tell you something about yourself or the situation at hand. Through clairvoyance, you can access information that will help you make better decisions and gain clarity on difficult situations. To use clairvoyance for connecting with spirit guides, start by grounding yourself in the present moment. Take a few deep breaths and focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body. As you do this, focus your attention on your third eye (the space between your eyebrows) and visualize a bright white light coming down from above.

As this light enters your body, feel it fill your entire being with warmth and peace. Once you’re grounded in the present moment, ask your spirit guides for guidance on whatever it is you need help with. Visualize a door opening in front of you and see yourself stepping through it into a bright white light. As you step through the door, ask for guidance on whatever it is you need help with and be open to receiving it. Take note of any images, sensations, or words that come up during this process.

These may be messages from your spirit guides that will provide clarity and insight into the situation at hand. When you’ve finished connecting with your spirit guides, take some time to reflect on what you’ve experienced and write down any insights or messages that came up during your meditation. Be sure to thank your spirit guides for their guidance before closing off the session.


can be a powerful tool for connecting with spirit guides and gaining insight into yourself and the world around you. By taking the time to connect with them through meditation, prayer, visualization, or dreamwork, you can access information that will help you make better decisions and understand difficult situations more clearly.

Using Clairvoyance To Connect With Spirit Guides

Clairvoyance can be used to access the wisdom and guidance of spirit guides. To do this, one must first learn how to enter a meditative state and open their mind to the messages that the spirit guides have for them.

The process begins with a few simple steps. First, one must relax and take deep, slow breaths to help clear their mind and body of any stress or tension. Once in a relaxed state, one can focus on entering a meditative trance. This can be done through guided visualization techniques, music, or using mantras. Once in a meditative state, one can open their mind and heart to the messages of the spirit guides. The next step is to interpret any messages that come up during meditation.

This can be done in various ways, such as listening to one's intuition or asking questions and allowing the answers to come through from within. It is important to remain open and non-judgmental while interpreting any messages that come up during meditation. It is also important to note that it may take some time for the messages to become clear. Using clairvoyance to connect with spirit guides can be a powerful tool for gaining insight into oneself and the world around them. By following the steps outlined above, one can open themselves up to the wisdom and guidance of spirit guides, helping to bring clarity and understanding into their lives. Clairvoyance is an invaluable tool for connecting with spirit guides and gaining insight into yourself and the world around you.

Through meditation, prayer, visualization, or dreamwork, you can access information that can help you make more informed decisions and understand difficult situations more clearly. By taking the time to connect with your spirit guides, you can gain clarity on a wide range of topics and ultimately grow spiritually.


, spirit guides, meditation, prayer, visualization, dreamwork.

Rebecca Bobrowski
Rebecca Bobrowski

Infuriatingly humble musicaholic. Total pop culture maven. Total web enthusiast. Unapologetic travel maven. Award-winning pop culture evangelist.